Mark Newton has announced his new single, “Square One,” a soulful ballad that delves into the depths of personal struggle and resilience. Songwriter Kenny Thacker said, “My hope is that it sparks hope in you. I don’t know if Mark chose this song or if it chose him, but either way, I’m thrilled he’s cut it, and I think you will connect with it big time and love it.” The single is available to radio programmers at Get It Played, AirPlay Direct, and Hope River Entertainment. Stay tuned for the digital and video release of “Square One” coming October 4, 2024.

“This song, ‘Square One,’ immediately resonated with me,” shared Newton. “As artists, we all hope to have a song that allows us to express our true emotions. I’ve lived this song, and I’m thrilled to reconnect with the music that I was born and raised on and love. Many of us can relate to this; some days it seems like we’re starting back at ‘Square One.’ Every day is truly a gift.”

Musicians on the track include Mark Newton (lead vocal), Clay Hess (rhythm & lead guitar, and baritone vocal), John Wheat (banjo), Darrell Turnbull (mandolin chop & lead and tenor vocal), and Brennan Hess (bass). “Square One” was produced, mixed, and mastered by Clay Hess at Back Forty Studio with Darrell Turnbull as assistant engineer.

Radio programmers can download this new single, “Square One,” at Airplay Direct, Get It Played or request a direct download from Hope River Entertainment.

Here’s what folks are saying:

“If there’s an award, real or imaginary, for Tenacity, Belief in self, and family strength, it should automatically go to Mark Newton. I have known Mark since the glory days with Mark’s band, the Knoxville Grass and mine, Boone Creek, as we used to trade out Saturday nights at Buddy’s Barbecue in Knoxville. Since then, Mark has gallantly fought the statistical odds of life twice and come away a winner. If there was a song that could sum up what Mark has been through, and that would be a tall order, he has found his Standing Stone on which to carve his name along those who are lucky to join him in living a full life against the odds. I love the message of this song and can only imagine Mark’s joy in finding it. I invite you to listen to “Square One,” a song that encapsulates Mark’s battle and winning attitude. Thank you Mark for being a shining beacon for life in a world of uncertainty.” ~ Jerry Douglas

“I’ve been a Mark Newton fan since I first met him and got to play some music with him as a teenager. It’s been inspiring to watch him navigate his health challenges of the last few years with such grace. To be on the other side of such a journey now with the release of the deeply inspired ‘Square One’ is a beautiful thing to witness. If this is any indication of more to come, then we are all in for a treat!” ~ Sierra Hull

“I truly don’t know that Mark, could have found a better song to come back with. It captures a life as he has known it. It’s not often a person gets a second chance in life itself nor starting over in the music business. The restoration of his health and strength, lets me know that God is not just of enough he is God of more than enough. I have known Mark for over forty years. This is a good song, but a greater testimony.” ~ Marty Raybon, Shenandoah

“I’ve known Mark for nearly 30 years and admired his incredible determination to succeed in every single endeavor he embarks on. Many of us are familiar with his recent health challenges and true to form he prevailed – at times against all odds. He’s now back in full swing with a new single that not only proves that statement but tells the poignant story of where he finds himself now after being away from the music scene for many years, “Back At Square One”. Honestly, square one is the place Mark has always launched any new project. I say that because he never takes anything or anyone for granted. Even with years of experience and numerous accolades to his credit, he’s always started each new endeavor with a clean slate, unencumbered by successes and challenges of the past. To that I will simply add, your fans, friends and family have all been waiting for your return to music Mark, and I’m proud to be one of many who are celebrating that return with such a powerful message and song. Welcome back my friend!” ~ Terry Herd, Bluegrass Today, CEO Bluegrass Radio Network

“You know, there are a whole lot of folks that have had to go back to square one in some way or another. That sure is true for Mark. I wrote this song, ‘Square One’ because I was inspired by Mark and a few other friends who have been through some major curves they didn’t see coming in the last few years. Mark sings the fire out of this song because he’s lived it. It’s coming right out of his heart. The honesty in his voice is what’s going to hit your soul when you hear this. I hope it resonates with you too. My hope is that it sparks hope in you. I don’t know if Mark chose this song or if it chose him, but either way, I’m thrilled he’s cut it, and I think you are going to connect with it big time and are going to love it.” ~ Kenny Thacker, “Square One” Songwriter

Stay tuned for the digital release announcement and learn more about Mark’s impressive career at