Trussville, AL (May 24, 2024) – Shannon Slaughter has released a captivating new single, “Silent As The Grave,” available for streaming, purchasing, and radio programmers. The song is released on Elite Circuit Records and written by Shannon Slaughter and...
“Reable’s Bender,” an impressive new focus track from banjoist Trevor Watson is a unique instrumental piece with a fascinating backstory dating back to the 1940s. “Reable’s Bender’ is a song I wrote as a tribute to my 1940 TB-00 Gibson banjo that I named...
Trussville, AL (February 2, 2024) – Acclaimed male vocalist, award-winning songwriter, and guitarist Shannon Slaughter starts this year with another impressive tune, “The Lonesome Blues,” on Elite Circuit Records. The song is available today at all major platforms....
Trevor Watson is proud to announce the single “Fool Hearted Memory,” is now available to radio programmers at Airplay Direct. The song includes Trevor Watson on banjo, Ron Inscore on mandolin and lead vocal, Shannon Slaughter on guitar and baritone vocal, Shawn Lane...
Trussville, Ala. (April 5, 2022) — Shannon Slaughter announces his new album, Ridin’ Through the Country, on Elite Circuit Records, is now available for streaming/purchasing and to radio programmers. For a limited time only, Slaughter is allowing music...